I.F.O.C. News

I.F.O.C. & ICISF Strategic Parnership Announcement
IFOC is excited to announce a strategic partnership with the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Inc. (ICISF)!

2025 Advanced Chaplain Update
All I.F.O.C. Chaplains are licensed, but have you ever wanted to be licensed as a specific type of Chaplain, such as a healthcare or first responder Chaplain?

What is a School Chaplain and How Do I Become One?
Discover what a school chaplain is and does and how to make a meaningful impact on students' lives. Learn about the role and requirements.

Temple, TX Tornado Deployment
Temple, TX disaster deployment update.

Congratulations I.F.O.C. Chaplain Manna U Graduates
Congratulations to our recent I.F.O.C. Chaplain graduates from Manna U!

Training the Bahamas Royal Defence Forces
FCI / I.F.O.C. had the privilege in August 2023 of training 33 marines and officers in the Royal Bahamas Defence Forces to serve their fellow service men and women in Chaplaincy!

An answer to pastoral burnout in the church
In the previous article, we discussed what burnout is, what that looks like, and some tangible solutions to be one step ahead of the battle. But, sooner or later, we have to ask the question: “What can we do about it?”

Pastors are facing burnout. What can we do about it?
Pastors take on the big task as helpers, listeners, and leaders. But what happens when caring for your ministry becomes overwhelming?

I.F.O.C. Chaplain Highlight
I.F.O.C. Chaplain Highlight
Chaplain Vince A. on being a first…

Chaplaincy in Barbados
New Chaplains Ready to Respond to Societal Needs in Barbados

Why does Chaplain certification matter when responding to a crisis?
While some crises can be resolved with a few steps, others might require the expertise and training gained through chaplain certification.
The International Fellowship of Chaplains (I.F.O.C.) operates in the United States as a dba under the umbrella of Frontline Chaplains International, Inc. (FCI).
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Support I.F.O.C.
Your gift provides our organization the funds to continue providing crisis relief to communities all over the world. We are grateful for your support!