Gain the Chaplain credentials and skills to answer your call to serve.

You don’t have to be a professional to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the world around you. With I.F.O.C. Chaplain training and credentials, you’ll be equipped to step into the role you were designed to fill.

Gain the Chaplain credentials and skills to answer your call to serve.

You don’t have to be a professional to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the world around you. With I.F.O.C. Chaplain training and credentials, you’ll be equipped to step into the role you were designed to fill.

Why Become a Chaplain?

You have a deep passion for the world. You have a clear calling to serve those in need. You want the qualifications to fulfill your purpose.


Get the Tools

Receive in-person or online training to get the relevant credentials to prepare you to effectively respond to tragedy on the frontlines.


Bridge the Gap

Open doors to the secular world that are closed to others, and bridge the gap between the body of Christ and your community.


Impact Your Community

Gain access to those in most need and put feet to your faith by serving the real needs of your community.

3 ways to put feet to my faith right now

How do I help others respond to crisis?

Meeting people in their time of greatest need is one of the best ways to show the love of Christ. Times of crisis, like losing a loved one or experiencing a natural disaster, cause many people to feel some of their deepest moments of pain, fear, sadness, and confusion. How do you best respond to those around you, including your Family, Church, and Community?

Fill out the form to download this free resource to learn some simple practices of ministering to people in crisis.

How do I join?


Step 1: Take the I.F.O.C. Training Class

  • Choose from a variety of classes around the nation or online
  • Gather with like-minded individuals to learn or take the class virtually on your own time
  • Spend a time in person or online gaining invaluable skills & knowledge
Find a class near you >>



Step 2: Apply for Licensing & Ordination

  • Complete background investigation
  • Collect letters of recommendation and additional documentation
  • Submit application and payment
Download Application >>

Step 3: Receive Credentials & Membership

  • Approved applicants will receive their license in eight weeks
  • Membership includes certificate, ID card, and continuing education opportunities
  • Licensed Chaplains begin serving their community with confidence!
Credentials information >>

No one should have to go through crisis alone.

Fear and insecurity have kept too many people from living out their desire to serve the hurting. Have you been paralyzed by your lack of knowledge? Don’t watch from the sidelines. You were created with significance–to bring hope to the hurting.

Join over 1,700 Chaplains who are active and currently credentialed by I.F.O.C. to bring care in the areas of police, fire, medical, prisons, search & rescue, sports, colleges, hospice, nursing homes, bikers, and others.

What does being a Chaplain mean?

  • Minister in areas of critical incident stress, grief and loss, trauma, and stress management
  • Provide counsel, education, advocacy, life-improvement skills, and recovery training
  • Build a bridge between the secular and spiritual environments of community life
  • Bring life changing service in every sector of community life, such as health and welfare, education, transitional living, emergency service, and governmental support

Chaplains Across the United States




Years as
a nonprofit